Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Word about the Fourth of July...

Before it's out of your minds for another 11 1/2 months...

Some of you have heard this before, but when I become King of the Forest, we are going to abandon the title "Fourth of July" and go strictly with "Independence Day."

It'll be on the first Thursday in July. That's right, Thursday. Fireworks will be on that Thursday night. Most people will have an unofficial day off on Friday. We Americans will have two four-day holidays per year, instead of just one.

Thanksgiving Friday is one of the best days of the year for commerce and consumption. I hope Independence Friday will be one of the best days for swimming, hiking, family picnics, etc. An unofficial "nature day," except for those parts of the US that are forced indoors by July weather.

The air will be cleaner for a short while, as it is in late November. More people will be with family and friends for one more day. There will be more mini-vacations. The world will not go to pieces if there is one fewer US stock market trading day.

This schedule is far better than having fireworks on a Monday or Wednesday night, no?

I have been advocating this for some years now, but somehow the US government hasn't taken this up yet.

Let me know what's wrong with this idea.

Otherwise, spread it around?

Thanks, and happy Bastille Day (which is going to be the third Thursday of every July, non?)

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